Welcome to Death Eater: Lucius Malfoy

Are you a fan of Lucius Malfoy? Do you like to read or write fanfiction about him? Then add your name to the listing!

If you've reached this site by accident and are unsure of what a fanlisting is, it's simply a website that lists all the fans of a particular subject. It can be for a movie, character, book, place, anything at all, and all you need to provide in order to get listed and let everyone know that you are a fan, is your name, country and a valid email address. This is required in the event that we need to notify you about any important information, or if the site moves to a new location.

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  • Stats
    Last Update: 24th February 2025
    Fans: 542 + 0 pending
    Newest fan(s): Celeste

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     Draco and Lucius  Draco Malfoy 

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  • Disclaimer
    This site has no affiliation with J.K. Rowling, anyone involved with the Harry Potter books or films, or the actor Jason Isaacs. This is just a fansite made by fans & listings fans.

    (c) Melissa & Slytherins.com